About Me

First off thank you for visiting!

Who am I?

My name is Luke Scorziell. I’m 18 years old, and I live in a small, rural town in Southern California. I founded TheEdgeofIdeas.com in March 2015, when I was a freshman in high school, and the Bills with Luke Scorziell podcast in January 2017. Both have been my passion throughout high school, and they have each taught me valuable lessons. I look forward to expanding and growing even more.

Why I started…

I started TheEdgeofIdeas.com with a few goals in mind. I wanted it to be a place where people could learn how to live their lives in a healthy, happy way. I wanted to make research more accessible to my audience. I also wanted to learn as much as I could about leading a happier, healthier life. Since starting, I’ve learned about the wonders of exercise, music, laughter, and many other simple rituals.

Bills with Luke Scorziell

2016 was the first election cycle I was able to fully immerse myself in. Initially, the partisan bickering attracted me, but by the end of the general election I had my fill. I knew we would never find solutions through ad-hominem attacks and outlandish rhetoric, so I decided to analyze the policy. Thus arose Bills with Luke Scorziell. 

In each episode I planned to analyze a specific piece of legislation, looking not at the politics behind it, but the facts and research. I started with a bill requiring presidents to pay for their own security. It was proposed just after President Trump was elected and seemed to be a short-sighted partisan effort, a realization I had only after looking into it in more depth.

I wanted to help people learn about how politics actually affected them. It wasn’t the entertainment of a primary debate, but the policy of a sitting congress that would change their lives.

Taking a step forward…

One night, after publishing my first few episodes, I stayed up thinking of ways to expand my show. I wanted to get opinions straight from the experts. I started by interviewing my high school AP United States History teacher, Eric Newcombe. We talked about California’s Start School Later bill and its effects on teachers, students, and administrators.

After my publishing my conversation with Mr. Newcombe, I was inducted into the Start School Later Student Hall of Fame. I decided to reach out for an interview. Within about two weeks I conducted two interviews with leaders from their organization on the topic. One with Irena Keller, PhD, the California Chapter Leader, and another with Mariah Baugh, MD, the San Diego Chapter Leader.

After these interviews the show began to gain more traction, mainly because I gained more confidence and started reaching out to more people. Since then I’ve interviewed Arpit Chaturvedi, the Editor-in-Chief of the Cornell Policy Review; Bart Myers, the Founder and CEO of Countable.us; Daniel LaCalle, multi-published author and world’s second most influential economist; Timothy Keller, the lead attorney on the Supreme Court case Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn; and Timothy Buck, the founder of ReadaBill.com. I have more interviews planned.

What I’ve learned along the way…

The process of organizing and conducting interviews for Bills with Luke Scorziell has been an important learning process. It’s taught me more than a few lessons, but there’s one I’d like to share. I’ve learned the value of putting myself and my work out there. I’ve sent out more invitations than I have had interviews. But had I not simply asked, I would not be writing this today, and I obviously would not have interviewed the people I did. Having the confidence to ask has been pivotal.

Since starting this project in 2017, I have learned more than I ever imagined. I’ve made valuable connections with my audience and interviewees that I hadn’t known were possible before.

Thank you!

As I wrap up this About page, I’d just like to say thank you! Thank you for reading this, thank you for listening, and thank you for all the support you have given me. I could not have done it without you.

If you’d like to learn how you can support me, click the button below!

Become a Patron!If you are here for the first time, be sure to click some of those links above and give my episodes a listen. If you’d like to subscribe for notifications when I post, just click here. And whatever you do, be sure to join me on Twitter. I’m always open for questions.

If you’ve been here since the beginning, you’re just as appreciated. Keep being awesome!


If you ever have any questions, comments, or requests, feel free to send me an email at Bills@TheEdgeofIdeas.com!

Find links to all my articles here.

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3 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hello Luke Scorziell,
    I am a very good friend of Lisa Scorziell. On our Tuesday run this week,Lisa, shared with me her thoughts on your gratitude blog. She passed on the link and here I am. I love that you referred to it as your thankfuls. I began my thankful journal last night and enjoyed reading what makes you thankful. I have a little catching up to do with your previous blogs – nice writing and risking. It is a risk to put your views out into the world. Geno and Lisa are very proud of you.

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